Screenwriting : Details - how many details for tv pilot (3.22.21) by Amazing Kacee

Amazing Kacee

Details - how many details for tv pilot (3.22.21)

How much detail should we put in a tv pilot for a series? Like detail to set the tone of the show? To set up the scene? I am getting different feedback from producers - some love the details while others not so much. Any help would be great thank you!!

Renee N. Meland

I've been told if you say something is in the scene you have to use it in the scene. Like if you mention there's a candle on the table, then the candle has to come in to play at some point. Hope that helps!

Bill Albert

It's definitely a hard thing to balance. Especially with so many different approaches by different producers. I was never sure how much of the secrets to give away in the pilot and the best advice was to at least give hints of things to come. I ended up adding a few brief scenes of the characters and situation that the main character will get involved in down the line.

Jenna Hogan

Show the viewer everything and everyone they need to know to "get" your story and gain understanding of what the intention of the story is moving forward....

Debbie Croysdale

Agree with @Bill about adding seeds that offer future growth, (his word “hint”). I don’t go for overkill with details per sae but producers want to know “does this show have legs?” so when pitching a series I lay an intriguing foundation that begs a question they need to seek the answer to. (LOL hopefully).

Christopher Phillips

It’s a tough balance. In general, the pilot needs to setup the series and also be a complete episode. The scripts tend to be several pages longer than the regular episodes because you need a little more description to give life to the major sets that we’ll live in each episode. You also need to show the story engine - essentially how each episode operates and why we need to keep coming back.

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