Screenwriting : Longlines and Scripts Attached by Jared Isham

Jared Isham

Longlines and Scripts Attached

Do any of you attach your scripts to the loglines you post here? I feel like, since there isn't really a vetting process for signing up with Stage32 it would be better not to attach it. Thoughts?

B A Mason

No attaching necessary.

But if you wish to get opinions, or peer-review your work with others, or let industry folks get a peak, it'd be nice for them to have something to peruse.

Jared Isham

Would a "reach out if interested" be warranted or redundant if there is an "attach script" option?

Doug Nelson

Why are you reluctant to allowing folks to read your work.? Are you afraid someone might steal it, or are you ashamed to show it, or... whatever?

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Jared. I post a synopsis and a script with each logline. I post a poster also. If someone is interested in the script based off the logline, synopsis, or poster, they can download the script right away.

Rutger Oosterhoff

I would keep it in your safe....

Jim Boston

Jared, you bet I attach a synopsis, a script, and a poster for each logline. (To me, it's part of what makes Stage 32 fun!)

Sandeep Gupta


1. Over a million (yes) people actively claim to be Screenwriters online. Consider how many requests and entitlements that can potentially make, for S32 to consider?

2. If S32 didn't care about your expression, why would they put out so much free stuff?

3. Compared to many other professions, S32 services and many LA based A+ services for learning about Films are practically a giveaway — please consider that?

4. Last, if they didn't charge, who would pay for this? Santa?

I don't work at S32 btw.

Regards ...

Timothy Mcreynolds

Tim, I would like to read one of your scripts if possible, I would like to know if you have any thing interesting. I would be happy to script swap or just read some of your work to find out if you’re right or just misguided . I would think you would want to know dm me

Jared Isham

Yes, I think the endless cycle of "pay for this to get this" gets very discouraging when nothing pans out. I've personally invested well over $2000 into bettering my craft not to mention the cost of film school.

Stage32 along with, basically, the entertainment industry is full of "experts" that spend most of their time shaming others to make themselves feel better. It is tough and takes some thick skin. An approach that I have been taking is not to try "breaking in" to the industry but instead "serving" the industry. Taking that simple approach to even my writing has helped motivate me and direct me in the stories I want to tell. It also reframes how you pitch content, your project isn't right for everyone.

I send out proposals and pitches all day, but most of them don't take. Sometimes it is about filling the funnel. Rethink the approach, pivot and adjust.

I think that looking at the services, such as the pitch sessions, from Stage32 as educational experiences instead of career opportunities it might reframe your thinking. You might be able to get places without a social platform like Stage32, this just offers some community and support (minus the few cynics the kids are referring to as "trolls").

Stage32 is only one tactic I have in a long list I have developed in marketing my screenplays.

Christiane Lange

Tim Bragg I read the first 5-6 pages. Would suggest that you don't have a separate line for each character as they are introduced. It breaks the flow. Work it into the scene description.

CJ Walley

To answer the original question, yes I attach my scripts which are all copyrighted with the LoC.

Dan Guardino

I attached two out of the 20 something specs I've written. They would cost millions to produce so I seriously doubt anyone here would read them and want to produce them.

B A Mason

I disagree with Marty entirely.

The reason I joined Stage 32 in the first place was after hearing an Exec say that Scouts and Producers and such occasionally perused this site.

Maurice Vaughan

Marty, I sold four short scripts to a producer in 2020 by him looking through my loglines (on Stage 32).

Jared Isham

Maurice, I assume you also attached your scripts.

Other sites I was looking at were and those you would definitely list your script, just the producers on their may be more vetted because there are fees involved...not sure how that theory holds up though.

It is really all about how it fits into your marketing plan.

Maurice Vaughan

Yes, Jared, I attach a script with each logline on here (I did the same thing for the four short scripts I sold). I also attach a synopsis and a poster with each logline.

CJ Walley

There was a conversation on here years ago about this. As I understood it at the time, while Stage 32 offers the facility to add scripts to your profile as an added bonus and people can search through those scripts, they don't want to get into the script hosting space too deeply as Stage 32 is a much broader site. I think the idea is mainly that you network and bring people to your bio where they will check out your work.

This is partly why I created Script Revolution. It was to fill that gap left between the expensive paid script hosting platforms and the limited features of the free options.

CJ Walley

For those who believe there aren't pros on Stage 32 who may find the scripts listed in your loglines and reach out to you, check out this post by Ronika Merl; How I Wrote and Optioned my Autobiographical Feature.

Theo Lavizzo

Newly joined member and I posted several loglines and scripts. One of them I will be producing and directing myself. The others, I consider samples of my voice. As creatives, it's hard to let our babies go out into the world. It's part of our growth!

Doug Nelson

CJ, that was a fluke, possible but very unlikely here in the peanut gallery. I think you're just stokin' the fantasy.

CJ Walley

I know it's unlikely, Doug, but the impression given in this thread was that it's impossible.

GW Allison

Marty, I got a writing assignment from a producer who read one of my scripts on this site.

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