Introduce Yourself : Limitless! by Gavin Midani

Gavin Midani


Hi there everyone my name is Gavin! I'm really excited to be a part of Stage 32 and its community of writers and others from the industry. I am a new screenwriter on the scene and love writing young adult dramas for both TV and movies. I have written a little bit of everything. I describe my style of writing as out of the box but most of all, REAL. My stories focus on topics that many may think is risky for a new writer. My hope is to reach all kinds of people through my writing. Another one of my goals is Inspiring hope to all those out there who fear being different and have been told by others that this or that is wrong with them.  I want others to know that no matter what your story is, that there are always people that can be inspired by them. Any dream is possible even if the world tells you it's not. Stay true to who you are! Know that it doesn't matter where you come from or what your life circumstances may be. There are so many others out there that can relate. Growing up today isn't easy, but there isn't any generation in history that had it easy. My hope is that my stories reach all generations. Check out my bio on my page and leave me whatever feedback you think a new writer like myself could use. I look forward to sharing my stories with you and also reading yours.

B A Mason


As somebody who loved to watch Degrassi years back and despises Riverdale these years, I can say with certainty that we need more writers working on Young Adult material. Especially these days when things are far more bleak for younger age groups. Cheers!

Gavin Midani

Thank you, thank you very much! I completely agree with you Brad. I mean how often do you see the sunlight in Riverdale? Not that Riverdale is the worst show in the world but I definitely feel it's not very realistic. Not many of us guys look like Archie and as far as girls go not many look like Veronica, especially when were in high school! Lol

Richard M Kjeldgaard

Welcome aboard. Inspiring introduction.

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