Screenwriting : Sample Pitch by Cara Rogers

Cara Rogers

Sample Pitch

What's a good resource for viewing sample pitches, specifically 2 pages or less? Interested in full-length feature for now, but also television series for future reference. I'm a "show me" kind of learner.

Cara Rogers

I have received one sample from Stage 32 but appreciate a source for more.

Cara Rogers

Both. My verbal seems to be stronger than my written, but I’m always looking to improve either. The one from Stage 32 is written.

Cara Rogers

Thank you Barry!

Rk Epps

I can show you a pitch format but I am not perfect.

Thedore Johnson

I agree with Kacee bing and google is the best ideal

Cara Rogers

Rk Epps I'd love to see it. If the world had to wait for writers to consider their work perfect, well, we'd all still be waiting.

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