Producing : How do I find a Producer? by Damon Merchant

Damon Merchant

How do I find a Producer?

Hi all, I have a Sci-Fi Action film that I am trying to get made. I need roughly $2M. Therefore, I need a Producer to help find the money to get this project started. Any advice would be helpful.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

That's the challenge we all face, every day. Not finding a producer necessarily, but the money for sure! It's a numbers game and can be a short or a very long journey.

Doug Nelson

You have a film or have only a script?

Damon Merchant

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg Thanks for the response. The money to make the film is definitely the immediate goal here. Unfortunately, I have been unsuccessful in finding investors or anyone that could broker the deal/introduction for a fee or percentage. It's very frustrating to me, since I have an extremely innovative project. (LoL Everyone thinks that about their own projects.) Anyway, looks like this is going to be the latter - "a very long journey".

Damon Merchant

Doug Nelson The film has not been made. Just a script for now.

Doug Nelson

Then I suggest wishin', hopen' and a little magic Pixie dust.

Damon Merchant

Doug Nelson LoL I hear you. I think I have a compelling pitch deck which highlights patent-pending tech and solid sales projections from Nash. Unfortunately, without that magic Pixie dust, this project is dead in the water. Looks like my path will once again be to fund this on my own.

Damon Merchant

Nick Assunto - Stage 32 Script Services Coordinator I've done the script coverage already and received some good notes from the reader. Money well spent. However, I still have the same issue. How do you get in front of investors or producers to even share your project with them? At this point, it seems I'll have to make this film/tech experience on my own and make enough noise to get investors coming to me. At that point, I wouldn't need them anymore. Chicken or the Egg for sure.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Damon Merchant! Have you put together a pitch for your film? I would highly recommend using Stage 32's Pitching Guidebook to structure it:

When you're ready, definitely reach out to our Director of Script Services, Jason Mirch, who is excellent at matching projects with potential executives (or producers, in your case):

Damon Merchant

Karen "Kay" Ross I already have a pitch deck, sales projections, and video footage of the accompanying patent-pending technology in action. However, I'm sure my pitch deck could be better. Therefore, I'll definitely take your advice and review Stage 32's Pitching Guidebook and reach out to Jason Mirch. Like everyone else here, your advice has been very helpful.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Damon Merchant So glad to help! I definitely think utilizing the Stage 32 Pitch Sessions will be a good way to go. Let us know how it goes!

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