Introduce Yourself : Hello from Cape Town by Zenobia Kloppers

Zenobia Kloppers

Hello from Cape Town

Hello :)! I'm an actress, singer and writer embarking on the journey towards becoming a fully fledged filmmaker. Would love to connect with creatives on this journey.

I am also interested in reading screenplays or stories with strong / interesting older female leads. Inbox me :)!

For more info on me, please check out my imdb profile. Or to see me in action in a lead role, check out the award-winning film, "Fiela se kind" (Fiela's Child) on Vimeo:

Looking forward to connecting!


Amir Fatykhov

Welcome, Zenobia! I have many friends from SA and my WIP is about a guy from Durban. I may ask you for an advice from time to time, if you don't mind ;-)

Miroslav Trcak

Welcome to the family :)

Angelo Raza

Welcome aboard. Enjoy the journey!

Zenobia Kloppers

Thanks for the warm welcome

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