Filmmaking / Directing : Do you think short films are dead? Or worth it to make one? by Don Zorbas

Don Zorbas

Do you think short films are dead? Or worth it to make one?

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Dan MaxXx

NO, it's not dead and yes, you should make one/several with your circle of friends. How else are you going to prove to paying employers you can do what you say you can do?

Dunya K. Ibrahim

No, never die.

James Welday

Hi, Don. No, I don't think shorts are dead in the least. They're a wonderful film school in itself, teaching you the in's and out's of production, and how to function on a crew. They also serve as a calling card of sorts to display your unique talent.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Shorts are far from dead. While I personally don't do them any more - I do series episodes and those are, essentially "short" content. There are lots of venues for them though the monetization is teensy (but then it always was). They are good for festival display, and for some publicity, and of course for honing your skills.

Rodrigo Dorfman

Just don't expect to pay your bills with shorts. Other than that, it's a very difficult craft to master. Like good poetry, a good short is essential.

Doug Nelson

This discussion has been going on since the days of Jacques Tati in the '50s and earlier. I think we can conclude that shorts ain't dead yet. Is it worth making one? A well made short opens many doors for you. Even a poorly made one teaches you a lot and doesn't have to cost a fortune (if it's bad - don't show it to anybody - I still have one of those).

Debbie Croysdale

Not one minute of art is wasted if executed well and audience get the point, one of my mentors said “Features are a long short.” @Wally I’d probably pitch “A Promo” as opposed to “Long Trailer.”

Doug Nelson

I'd bet that few of you remember the old one & two reeler days.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Not at all dead, but like all projects, do begin with the end in mind. Who is the audience and where will they watch it are both worthwhile questions. Start watching shorts and figure out where you want it to live and you'll see how relevant your short (any short) is.

Mista Martel

Nope & I believe they can be worth it to make.

Tabitha Baumander

At the very least they are a practice run for the people creating the work from writers to crew to actors..

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