Producing : First time producing. by Marc Jackson

Marc Jackson

First time producing.

Making it up as I go but reaching out to those who have traveled this road of film production. And saying "Hi!"

Marc Jackson

Thank you!

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

That's the best way to do it!

Doug Nelson

Learn by doing, revel in your success, learn from your failures.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Marc Jackson! You're here, so I'm sure you're doing just fine! Producing is one of those roles that can literally be learned from the most varying other careers - lawyers, teachers, event planners, writers, actors, military service, etc. Ultimately, Producers just "get it done", and you don't teach anyone to do that - you just make it work.

That being said, welcome to the community! What are you working on? What can we help you with?

Michael Dritto

Hell yeah!

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