Filmmaking / Directing : Agents for Directors by Jason Parker

Jason Parker

Agents for Directors

Hi all, I'm a young filmmaker based in the UK, and I'm just about to release my first independent feature film 'The Suppression of Hannah Stevenson'.

I'm curious to know how many of you directors out there have agents, as it's something I've been considering for a while.

My ideal situation would be to have an agent that approaches film studios and/or producers on my behalf, and essentially sells me as a director for hire. However, I not sure how realistic the idea is?

Any advice, feedback or examples of successes would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks very much,

Jason Parker

Matthew Muchka

Congrats on completing your first feature!

Tabitha Baumander


Karen "Kay" Ross

Does the UK have a Director's Guild, like the DGA? I think that would be a better, more effective way to improve your status as a working director. A few things come to mind, though:

1) Why do you want an agent or manager? What do you think they will do for you that you are not already doing? As my friend, Luis Ramon Quintero will tell you - if you pay an Agent 15%, then you should assume they are only doing 15% of the work. Definitely consider researching what an agent or manager does for you and then consider doing that job for yourself (all the better to appreciate them when you have one).

2) Most directors utilize a secondary skill to help fill in the gaps of employment but also keep them close to the director's chair (e.g. Asst. Directing, DP, Screenwriting, Acting, Editing, Storyboard artist, etc.). What secondary skill could you practice as a director?

3) Yes, a friend from film school snagged a manager as a director after completing his first feature. He hasn't directed anything since then, so having one does not increase your chances of finding work - you still have to do that hustle.

Congrats on your feature! Keep us posted on its release!

Jason Parker

HI Kay, thanks for the advice. I was really just putting the feelers out, to see if an agent would be worth while, but like you said, it's probably more effective to join a guild and do the work myself. I'm working hard at the moment to align myself with a successful producer, which I think should help quite a bit, in terms of attracting investors to future projects.

As for my current feature, do take a moment to check the trailer: I'm hoping to find a VOD/SVOD distributor for it, later this year (fingers crossed!!)

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