Screenwriting : Keep Moving Forward (4.28.21) by Amazing Kacee

Amazing Kacee

Keep Moving Forward (4.28.21)

 Never put a time frame on your dream. The time is going to pass anyway so might as well live your dream even if it is between full or part-time jobs.

NEVER DOUBT YOURSELF even when others will. Just keep moving forward!!! And always Believe in yourself.

Visualize yourself getting the part, winning the Emmy. I wrote my Emmy speech last year and even bought my dress. Live in the moment like it already has happened and believe it is happening.

I was talking and telling people several years ago, my tv series will be picked up and produced plus we will be sweeping all the awards, This year everything I have been speaking into existence and believing is happening. The words we tell ourselves are very important and they have power -

Remember always you are worthy, you are loved, you are important, you are the next Oscar-winning Director, Producer, Actor, Writer, D.P., Set Designer, etc.

Please never listen to the naysayers and never listen to people telling you, no producer is going to let you have full control of your script (which several people do on this site) it just isn't so. The expertise I bring to the table is an important part of helping with the production as I have experience both behind and in front of the camera and have done every single on-set job through the years.

Ask yourself - what sets YOU apart from the others, what makes You different, unique, and when you find these answers USE THEM TO YOUR ADVANTAGE.

Why are you writing the script you are writing, where is your passion? What difference do you want to make when people watch your work, write, act, etc? Are you being choosy with which parts you are accepting, I know I was and the fact I was the more parts I got cast for? The more parts I turned down the more casting directors called. WHAT IS YOUR PASSION? WHAT DIFFERENCE ARE YOU WILLING TO MAKE? LIVE YOUR PASSION!!! And most importantly always be overly prepared as producers will ask you to do things you never even thought of doing so start thinking like a producer and figuring out what they want. When a producer says they need something in two weeks - send it to them in two days never wait two weeks - as time is of the essence, they need to see you have passion and are able to do anything they are asking at a moment's notice. YOU CAN ALL DO IT, YOU CAN ALL MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE. YOUR PASSION HAS TO DRIVE YOU!!!! Let's all win that Grammy, Emmy, Oscar, Golden Globe, BAFTA, Spirit, GLAAD, DGA, PGA, SAG, WGA awards. Believe you can and it will happen!!! 

Rebecca Riseling

Kacee, I love this! Your encouragement and confidence-building remarks are bold and precious at the same time! Keep it coming! Very Best to your continued successes! Rebecca Riseling

Amazing Kacee

Rebecca Riseling Thank you for the encouragement - Keep moving forward always

Michael Mandaville

Nice upbeat outlook Kacee. Good cheerleading for us all!

Amazing Kacee

Michael Mandaville Thank you - Yes everyone deserves to have their dreams fulfilled. Just keep believing and moving forward!!

Doug Nelson

Wise words for anybody doing anything.

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