I've polished a 10 page short drama I wrote a year ago. We are planning to shoot a 10 minute short in a couple of months. Is it worth having it looked at by a consultant from this site or other? They all charge at least a hundred bucks to send you some feedback. That is not a high price, considering out micro budget will run into teens! This piece has a normal 3 act drama feel and will hopefully open some doors.
We are all older, experienced people (this is NOT a student project).
Let me know if you have a favorite doctor/ coverage for short films specifically. Cheers...
I don't pay people who haven't produced successful films to comment on my scripts - ever. And for the most part, that's who you will be paying. You may or may not find their commentary interesting, but if that's what you want, give it to some trusted colleagues. But if you expect them to tell you anything relevant... not likely.
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Ray - if it's 10 pages, pretty well polished and producible at a realistic cost - I'd be glad to take a look at it and provide a few notes & humble opinion. PM me here on S32.
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I'd say just get all the actors (or good readers/orators) to table read the entire thing; and don't double up - each person does one character. You'll find all the bugs/the oops/the weird/discontinuities/etc. really fast.
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Richard F Roszko Second this. I made a friend read the script through with me, out loud, early in the process. It was super-useful. A proper table read or two or three would be even better. And definitely record it, so you can listen back for awkward moments etc.
Thanks for commenting everyone. Doug, I will try to PM you . If anyone else has the time/interest to take a look, let me know. BTW is it possible to PM someone who's not in your network?
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Ray Shab Pretty sure you have to connect to PM, but could be wrong. I would also be up for taking a look, FWIW.
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Someone else to consider - your cinematographer and Editor. These folks will be in the trenches with you, so they might see something on the page that wont work visually with a camera.
Good luck. There are plenty of experienced folks here and elsewhere who can assist. Money talks
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More than a week now & nary a word outta him. I guess he's not all that interested after all.
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Dear Doug, I sent it to your Gmail on the 10th! Please send me a note using that account to make sure I have the correct email, and I'll reply to that.
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Just sent you a DM.