Mike Sammaciccia's Screenwriting Lab (April 2021) : Hi Guys! by Samantha McEachin-Ifill

Samantha McEachin-Ifill

Hi Guys!

Didn't even know this Lounge was here!!! How did everyone's pre-pitch session go? I totally rambled through mine LOL. I will definitely be using this weekend to get "Pitch Perfect"!

Amy Falkofske

Hi Samantha. My pitch went well, but Mike suggested some changes, so I've reconfigured some things.

Samantha McEachin-Ifill

I can't wait to hear your pitch! I'm still stumbling through mine. I think I'm giving too much detail.

Amy Falkofske

I loved your pitch. I would totally watch that movie!

Karena Krull

Samantha, I didn’t see this until now:) I think had a great class with different stories. Samantha, you did swimmingly! And Amy, your switching gears was awesome! Glad we can keep in touch going forward❤️

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