Screenwriting : Something I have been doing lately - may be worth a try. by Craig D Griffiths

Craig D Griffiths

Something I have been doing lately - may be worth a try.

I have so many tools for doing things. These are based on proven business and intelligence processes. But lately I haven’t been using them. I have been writing one or two page stories about characters. These are not always related to the script I am writing, more often they are unrelated.

For example. I am doing a ghost story/screenplay for someone. Two of the ghosts are sisters (Kate and Harriet). So I wrote a story about how Kate was seduced by Harriets fiancé when they were alive. Kate believes she deserves some blame, but Harriet blames Kate entirely. Harriet, has broken up with her fiancé, but to blame him would mean she is a bad judge of character and this would give Kate an excuse.

Has virtually nothing to do with the ghost screenplay. But there is venom in dialogue between them. I know why. No one else needs to know. I have been having a great deal of fun creating these documents. It is stretching before going for a run.

I hope this helps.

Craig Prickett

Tarintino does something similar and he then hands the backstory which sometimes is 200 pages long to the actor playing the part.No one but Tarintino and the actor playing the part will ever see the document I'm guessing the actors would find it an invaluable resource.

Doug Nelson

Craig D, I write a very similar 'backstory' whenever a new character comes into view and then a 'skit' as two characters meet. Once I'm satisfied with the skit only then do I build a story. I'm doing one for a Hollywood actor right now.

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Craig: That sounds like a cool idea to help you feel extra comfortable crafting the characters for your primary screenplay. Definitely fresh thinking.

Daniel Smith

This is great idea to get a feel for your characters. Might give it a try myself.

Dan Davis

Hey, Craig. This is a good idea. Useful and creative way to create a backstory even if not used in the script. Also, as you said with stretching, it's all just good practice and you know what practice makes...

James Welday

I've learned this is an incredibly helpful tool for me. You're building a world, and allowing the characters to exist a little freely in that world, despite the constrictions of a structure. I say, keep going!

Craig D Griffiths

Thank you all. I am glad that other see this as useful and that others do it as well. I did a bit more work on the backstory last night. I am now referring to it as the Fable of Kate and Harriet.

On a side note. This forum has evolved into a place where a writer could say they rub themselves in baked pumpkin as part of their process and we would support them. There are a number of places you can go to get screamed at about formula. This group has evolved into being focused on craft and individual development. How each of us approach story is vastly different. We share that in an exciting, respectful and sometime contradictory way. We sometimes challenge each other’s opinions. But that is a debate for the expansion of a point. That sometimes uncovers unreconcilable difference. But after all, human experience is always and completely subjective.

Thanks again.

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