Introduce Yourself : Hello all! by James Boyd

James Boyd

Hello all!

I'm a filmmaker (writer-director). I normally write action-drama, but now I'm just starting my first feature-length comedy. Trying to hit five pages a day for my first draft. The more I write, the more ideas I generate, so it's important to maintain a constant flow on the keyboard. Think marathon, not a sprint Good luck to everyone!.

David C. Velasco

And good luck to you also James!

Maurice Vaughan

How are you, James Boyd? Are you finding it easy to write Comedy?

James Boyd

Been loving writing comedy. I've directed and edited comedy, but my first time writing it. What are you working on?

Alex Gallego

Let me know if I can help with a movie poster ;)

Maurice Vaughan

James Boyd, I'm pitching projects. I finished editing a Comedy short script two days ago. I finished editing a Thriller short script today.

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