Introduce Yourself : Hello! Alex Gallego here ;) by Alex Gallego

Alex Gallego

Hello! Alex Gallego here ;)

I'm a pro freelance in illustration, cartooning, and caricature. I'm more renowned in my area because of my usual work in the press: newspapers and humor magazines, but since some months ago I've done a couple of comedy movie posters and some stand-up poster, and I loved it!!! So I decided I would try to move in that direction in my career. That's why I'm back here.

I'm freelancing since 2002! But I'm not that old xDDD. I've worked for many kinds of companies and clients. I've done packaging art, magazine art, book illustration, videogame art and animation, tv animation, storyboarding, etc... Many different things. Right now I'm more into humor ;)

I hope to make contacts here, meet new people and build some professional relationships too! I would love to invite you to visit to see my portfolio.

Feel free to connect with me if you find my stuff interesting. Thanks for reading/ watching! ;)

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Alex Gallego! So good to meet you! OMG, I LOVE your work! I'm also a SciFi fan and I love the idea that you've moved into poster work - what a great idea! Other than your profile, you can share any links to your work in the Your Stage Lounge to help promote your services:

Actually, I'd love for you to start a conversation in the Animation Lounge - maybe you could discuss what you've learned about adapting your craft for the promotional layout of movie posters: I know our members would love to learn from your experience!

You can also chat up producers about what they look for in poster art by posting in the Producing Lounge: This would be a great opportunity to make connections while gaining valuable perspective!

Don't be shy, we're a very supportive and encouraging community! I think you'd also enjoy my intro blog post on how to engage with the Stage32 Community:

Bob Harper

NIce work Alex Gallego

Alex Gallego

Thanks very much Karen "Kay" Ross for your support and advice.Still making myself an idea of how this works ! xD... I don't want to spam people, but I may do some post about this, promoting my work in the animation and producing lounges. THANK YOU!!!

Allen Lynch

Very nice work Alex.

Alex Gallego

Thanks very much Allen Lynch

Alex Gallego

THank you Bob Harper !

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