This is a game-changer! We can expect to see more and more animated series and movies made with Unity and Unreal engine in the future. Who else is excited by this? is a game-changer! We can expect to see more and more animated series and movies made with Unity and Unreal engine in the future. Who else is excited by this?
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It's a great development. I believe The Mandalorian is using this software, which is, incidentally, FREE.
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Unity is pretty awesome!
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The production pipelines are changing so fast, producers want faster deliveries, we did this teaser with may and unreal engine in just 15 days, which in a normal case took 25-30 days.
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This is great, Kumar!
I think this is great.
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This is awesome Kumar Sambhav. A good friend of mine had been telling me about the power of the Unreal Engine and how it would be a game changer.
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Wow, great work, Kumar! What kind of assets were provided by the client? Did you have to work in the same original software?
Thanks, Kay, client just provided a brief, about their show and VO and we did the rest, Animatics to final delivery, Maya was used for asset and then Unreal 4 for lighting and rendering, Comping in After effects.
that's amazing, I've been trying to decide whether to use Unity or C4D, it's tough to decide
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Suzanne Starr unreal 5 is the way to the future ,