Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter/Director by Cecile George

Cecile George


Hey all! Great to be part of this community. Getting involved in the film and video world here in Trinidad and Tobago, and very excited to see who else is out there that I can work with in our lovely twin isles. I promise not to be (too much of) a pest!

Carlv Coleman

Hi Cecile:

Glad to meet up on Stage32. I live in Dallas TX USA and I'm a screenplay writer. Because of our remoteness and difference in cultures, Stage32 aligns us in likeness on this great platform. Enjoy the chats, forums, education and mentoring. Drop me a line whenever you can.


Cecile George

Hey Carly. Nice to "meet" you. Thanks for the warm welcome! Looking forward to the wealth of knowledge, connections, and info that Stage 32 has to offer. Stay safe!

Rosa Lopez

Welcome to an amazing community!

David C. Velasco

Welcome Cecile. Glad to have you

Shemar James

Cecile George Hi Cecile! It's great to meet you! I love to see creative representation from the Caribbean. My family is from Jamaica and I aspire to write something that celebrates the culture.

Welcome to Stage 32! You’ll really enjoy it. There are so many wonderful people to connect with and resources available to you.

If you ever want additional feedback on your script, feel free to check out Stage 32's script coverages as well to get feedback from professionals in the industry.

Script Coverage:

Script Consulting:

You also may find this lounge interesting.

If you’d like some guidance on who might be the best person to connect with, feel free to reach out to Stage 32's Director of Script Services, Jason Mirch at can point you in the right direction.

Cecile George

Thanks for all the great info and warm welcome, guys!

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