Acting : Acting Insight by Shekhar Kumar

Shekhar Kumar

Acting Insight

According To You Acting Techniques Every Actor Need To Know & How To Choose The Best Acting Technique For Yourself? Please Share Your Experience, Thoughts & Tips.

Matthew Cornwell

This is a hard question to answer. Everyone will answer different. It's like asking your favorite food. A lot of people may agree on something, but that doesn't mean you'll like it. For me, I think a combination of Meisner and Improv are the Holy Grail for actors.

Whatever you choose, don't be satisfied with 1 month or even 1 year of training. KEEP TRAINING. Get those 10,000 hours.

And I'm a big fan of having at least 3 teachers throughout your career (not at the same time). I did a video about it last year:

Shekhar Kumar

Wise Words & "Get Taped" on Youtube Channel By Matthew Cornwell Is A Great Initiative To Contribute Towards Acting Success. Keep it up.

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