Introduce Yourself : Introducing my fear by Gary Jones

Gary Jones

Introducing my fear

Hello all, I am pretty new to the Stage 32 community. I am also new to screenwriting in general so I dont have any fails as of yet, however I do have a big fear. Everything I read says its common amongst creatives but my biggest fear is getting to where I want to be as a writer and not really being good enough for it. My current 3-5 yr goal is to be staffed on a tv series and I am afraid of getting into the room and falling on my face. I have been listening to plenty of podcasts and different workshops about tv writers rooms and it helps to ease the fear a bit but overall its still something that scares me.

Toni D. Holm

Hi, Gary, I believe in dispelling fears with a safety net. There are some great individuals and resources with a "writers' room" practicum. Start small, practice where it's safe, so you can focus on writing and not fear! Good luck.

Taylor C. Baker

Welcome to the community Gary Jones! Beyond delighted to have you here, thank you for sharing your fear with us! I totally know how you feel, I think "imposter syndrome" is a pretty common feeling amongst entertainment folks - what you can do now is learn, write a LOT, and work with other writers/producers to grow your craft! The Writers' Room here on Stage 32 is a great place to learn and grow, you can get a free month if you email our Director of Script Services, Jason Mirch, at -

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