Can anyone help on a transition cut I'm trying to do. I'm going from watching a cartoon and pulling out to reveal that this whole time it was playing on a tv screen inside of an elevator. don't want to use Pan out: or cut to: direction.
What's the proper way to do that in the action lines?
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I would do it like in a novel.
Describe what happens in the cartoon like if that's the scene, and then use some kind of sound cue or something physical that happens in the real world for the reveal that it was someone watching it from the start, to remove the character from that little escape/distraction.
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appreciate it, thanks. don't like using directions but in this one i kind of have to.
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Thanks for the help. This is what I have going on at the moment.
They hop into different carts and speed off in opposite direction.
We pull back to reveal that the cartoon we just watched plays on a screen, inside an elevator, that descends deep into the earth. Gone are the squash and stretch cartoon style.
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That's fine, Romey.
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Romey, the scene tells everyone they are in an elevator. So this visual highlight (I hope) has some story meaning. If you want to make the knowledge that we are inside an elevator a surprise you could try a Tony Gilroy style transition. He doesn’t use a lot a scene headings. It is a little hard to pull off, so go read his work.
He uses match cuts. So one scene ends on a TV screen or where we would expect one. Here is a poor example.
Craig leans forward off the couch and turns on his old TV.
Tom & Jerry cartoon plays.
Romey is sitting on a huge leather lounge in an apartment that would make a Kardashian proud.
That moves you between locations without a scene header and maintains the surprise.