Introduce Yourself : The drought is over... or at least alleviated. by Jennifer Weber

Jennifer Weber

The drought is over... or at least alleviated.

I just signed up today. Luckily, I have a lot of friends, but basically, none that are in the entertainment field or interested in writing or movies to the degree that I am. My little advice to fledgling writers is to write as many screenplays in as many different genres as you can, so if you're lucky enough to sell one, you'll have many more to show other producers or the one who's interested in your script. I came close to selling a screenplay and having one, much to my amazement, considered for a TV series. After many months of rewrites on the first one, and weeks on the second script, it didn't work out. But I was told by the producer's partner at the time "That if you sell this screenplay, they (producers/agents) will want to read everything you've ever written." Definitely, something to think about!  But even if you're going through a "dry spell" with your writing- still write, even if it's for free, because most of the time it's going to be. I know this better than anyone. Sad emoji. LOL

David Clarke Lambertson

Sound advice

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Jennifer Weber! Thanks for that bit of encouragement, and welcome to the community! Question - why have you not listed your occupation as a screenwriter? You've written enough of them to qualify, my friend! Don't take my word for it, hop on over to the Screenwriting Lounge and ask the community:

Also, since you've got so many ready to be sold, let's get you pitching them! Have you put together a pitch document or pitch deck for each of them? If not, feel free to use Stage 32's free Pitching Guidebook to help you structure them (including a verbal pitch):

You can sign up to pitch your scripts to executives here: If you need any recommendations for who to pitch to, definitely reach out to our Director of Script Services, Jason Mirch, who is excellent at matching projects with potential executives (or managers, in your case):

Morrison James

Hello Jennifer, welcome to Stage 32. Hope you keep writing. Never give up. Those that stay the long course eventually come out on the bright side. M.J

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