Greetings all!
I hope, even in this crazy world we're currently living in, everyone is safe, healthy, and in great spirits! My name is Kevin, and I'm super new to Stage 32. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing or where to start, so I thought id introduce myself here first. I've been an actor in LA for about seven years now (my gawd) with some pretty fun credits. Currently, I'm on two shows, one being a Snapchat Originals series called 'Save Me' and a show called 'CODEBLACK: A power Rangers Series' (that has yet to be released), and due to Covid restrictions, its been quite difficult to get these shows up and running again, so they're technically "Greenlit" ( but for the unforeseeable future haha).
Because I've had months of literally NOTHING happening with acting I've since pivoted to writing a ton, which in a way, I've found to be my second love! So yay for down months!
I have two pilot scripts I'm pretty proud of and would love to know how I can get general feedback on these, along with advice on how to get this up and running.
If any LA producers /writers are up for a cup of coffee or a Zoom call ( I will even Venmo you money for coffee, think I'm kidding?), let me know, id love to pick your brain and, of course, offer up any help I could be to you in any way!
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Red Ranger forever! Welcome to Stage 32 Kevin! I, personally, love writing. So what is the next step for you on the platform? Perhaps connect in the direct messages, post your loglines, or maybe seek some feedback in the screenwriting lounge? There are review / feedback options in the education/screenwriting services too! Enjoy the process!