Animation : Not all movies has to be masterpieces by Lasse Wennerstrand

Lasse Wennerstrand

Not all movies has to be masterpieces

I've seen a lot of hate, bad reviews and negative attitudes against the new Space Jam movie. Everybody complain that it isn't as good as the first one,that it contains too many pop culture references and not enough depth for grown ups...

But guess what, the original got much of the same criticism back in the day. I've seen it and no, it's not a masterpiece, it's not a Who Framed Roger Rabbit. But it's fun, well designed and excellently animated. Sure, sometimes I rolled my eyes at how shallow it felt or how stiff an actor LeBron James was in some scenes. But it's okay, it's just a fun movie.

I love the original, I've carried it within me since childhood. And while I do rewatch it with rose-tinted nostalgia glasses, the new one is just as good in my opinion. I follow some of the animators who worked on this movie on social media, their posts give significant insights to the process and how much fun they had working on it. My kids love the zany, silly fun of it and I appreciate the pop culture references. Space Jam: A New Legacy is not a masterpiece, but it doesn't have to be to be fun and enjoyable.

Bob Harper

Haters gonna hate. Most critics and those who trash movies usually have no idea the amount of blood sweat and tears that go into making them. I'm not saying that anyone should give false praise for something they don't believe is that good, but maybe just say nothing at all.

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