Cinematography : Visuals vs storyboard by Adeniyi Joseph

Adeniyi Joseph

Visuals vs storyboard

When the storyboard is compared to the actual shots, can you tell how much changes had to be made on set.

In fact, some shots were not storyboarded but they were required to be taken, that decision happened on set.

In my experience, the ideation process is harder than execution and storyboarding happens at the ideation stage, which means that the hard work was already done in storyboarding even if some adjustments are now made during principal photography.

Karen "Kay" Ross

I love that shot/storyboard comparison! And you can totally tell where the storyteller took over and thought, "yeah, this shot will help make the sequence make sense". Great work!

Vital Butinar

I love storyboarding and shot listing. Especially on narrative and more complicated story project because by the time you get to shoot you already know what you're trying to do completely and even if something goes wrong, you've got a reference point or ta minimum an in and an out for that shot or sequence.

Leya and I usually check out all the locations and then decide or try out the shots using a phone then she creates storyboards using those images as referenc points and to create the shot list I actually go trough the whole screenplay and act everything out to judge the timing.

Up till now it's worked really great on every project.

I think I've posted this comparison image of the storyboard and final project before.

Adeniyi Joseph

This is very insightful. It actually just gave me an idea for a feature narrative I am prepping for. Thanks!

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