I’m sharing this interview I gave to The Writer’s Haven to hopefully encourage writers to KEEP GOING! Coincidentally, this interview happened during the four-year anniversary of a doctor telling me that I was going to die from a disease I didn’t know I had called Lupus which was attacking a condition I didn’t know I had, a hole in my heart. Arrgghh! Although another doctor found a better treatment, Lupus keeps trying to stop me from telling my stories. It’s attacked my heart, brain, kidneys, intestines and heck three weeks ago my Leapers came for my eye sight. Yes, I know how hard writing gets after you hit several speed bumps, but again I’m telling you to KEEP GOING! Four years ago my greatest regret was that I hadn’t written my stories. Lord willing, I will continue telling my stories until I’m physically incapable of telling them. I hope that you find something in this interview about my journey that will help YOU keep going. Write on!