Producing : New feature Documentary by Franck Meyer

Franck Meyer

New feature Documentary

Very proud to present to you our new documentary :

Its actually in the queue to be promoted in the next festival season but you can read and watch the trailer visiting the web site

Cherelynn Baker

Love this! Congratulations!

Franck Meyer

Thanks ! :)

Karen "Kay" Ross

Congrats on your film, it looks great! Were you editor on this film or something more?

Franck Meyer

thanks a lot ! i was the editor yes but also cameraman with the director, and Associate Producer

Joanna Karselis

Brilliant trailer, congratulations Franck! Good luck with the festivals.

Cherelynn Baker


Christiane Lange

Excellent! It's a story that needs to be told. But how heartbreaking to see the destruction of Aleppo that way. Is the director related to the famous sculptor by any chance?

Franck Meyer

thanks all for your comments :)

Franck Meyer

@Christine Lange : what happened is very sad it's true.. and no i don't think so but i'm gonna ask him just to be sure ;)

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