Introduce Yourself : Hello everybody! by Seth Lockwood

Seth Lockwood

Hello everybody!

My name is Seth Lockwood and I’m from Lodi, California. I’ve been on this platform for about two months now and I’ve been figuring out how to get my work out there and to of course better my work as well as a screenwriter/videographer. If anyone would like to reach out or discuss projects please don’t be afraid to reach out to me or give advice.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey Seth Lockwood! Good to meet you and welcome to the community! What are you working on? There are a TON of resources on this platform, so you may have to ask specific questions if you want advice. Checking out the lounges are a good way to get that advice and network at the same time. For you, I would recommend the Cinematography Lounge ( and the Screenwriting Lounge (

Enjoy exploring the lounges, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too! It's the best way to really connect!

Maurice Vaughan

Nice to meet you, Seth Lockwood. What are you working on?

John Ellis

As your bio says - put in the work to bring stories to life. That's the way.

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