Screenwriting : End of a long journey... by Felix Agyeman Boahen

Felix Agyeman Boahen

End of a long journey...

Just finished my first assignment... Wanna say thanks to everyone who helped and supported me on the journey... I did it with you guys... Without you it could have been a mess... Thanks much, everyone... I really appreciate those feedbacks.

Maurice Vaughan

Congrats on finishing.

Felix Agyeman Boahen

Thanks, Maurice... It was a journey... I've learned a lot from it.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome. How's your weekend been?

Dita-Marina Obert


Felix Agyeman Boahen

Thanks very much, Obert...

Felix Agyeman Boahen

Good, Maurice... still enjoying my two days rest to get back to some other specs... "Revenge of the Spartans" still needs some works on it.

Maurice Vaughan

Is that a feature script, Felix Agyeman Boahen?

Felix Agyeman Boahen

Yh Maurice... 130pages... Have you finished anything like that???

Maurice Vaughan

No, I think my longest script was 121 pages before rewrites. I think I cut that script down to 90-100 pages.

Felix Agyeman Boahen

That sounds cool, Maurice.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Aww, that's so great! Congrats on finishing your first assignment, and I'm so glad our community could be there for you!

Felix Agyeman Boahen

Thanks, Karen...

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