Hello, all. My name is Dinda Unaroma and I'm a screenwriter/director/producer from Indonesia. My dream is to get my shows to Netflix, while it's still early for them to acquire contents from around here.
The project that I'm currently pursuing to make is a series called "19 Letters", which is a story about students dealing with pressures in the acceleration class, which I already made the pilot of in the form of 6-episode webseries in YouTube that had gained a total of 3 million viewers and positive responses from YouTube audience.
I'm looking forward to learn more about distributing my shows to streaming networks (as a producer/production house) as well as fundraising opportunities to get my shows made.
Nice to meet you all ^_^
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Such a great intro... follow your dream and welcome!
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Jon Raven Thank you and nice to meet you ^_^
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You are more than welcome! And nice to meet You as well :)
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Welcome to our Stage 32 family.
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Thank you, Debbie Elicksen i love your bio! trully agree that everyone can be the CEO of their own brand ^_^