Introduce Yourself : Hello again from Luxembourg by Erik Abbott

Erik Abbott

Hello again from Luxembourg

My name is Erik. Originally from the US, I've lived in Europe almost 16 years, the last 12+ in Luxembourg, where I am the Artistic Director of tiny professional English-language theatre company (Actors Repertory Theatre Luxembourg -- 'Actors Rep').

We're currently running our first virtual show online and on-demand at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe -- VIGNETTES OF A PESTILENCE, a trio of original plays set at three points in the last year-and-a-half and taking place within video calls. Written for online or the stage -- we look forward to producing them onstage and onstage again generally and are in an early planning phase to co-produce a show with a theatre in the US next year (to present in both countries).

I'm interested especially networking with other theatre makers, playwrights, actors, directors, etc.


Désirée Nordlund

Wow, it must have been a tough year and a half for you and your company. I hope your show goes well.

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