Your Stage : Self Distribution Opportunities by Sam Szylwin

Sam Szylwin

Self Distribution Opportunities

I'd like to introduce you to one of our services: We are now open direct to creators of Indie Content who are looking to evolve and set their own destiny. While we understand and appreciate the necessity of film festivals, what do you do after your run has completed and you didn't get picked up? Two words: film highway. For less than you'd think and your only out of pocket expense, you can get your stream on with us. Our platforms: web, AppleTV, AmazonFire, Roku, AndroidTV and for on the go viewers: GooglePlay, Android and iOS. We won't take a large chunk of your revenue and we want you to keep 100% of your Rights. We're more cost affordable than apple and we don't have the fine print. Visit the site & start a free trial to examine our stealth delivery. Have questions? Contact us here. Nice to meet you all!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey Sam, this is Karen from the Stage 32 team. I just wanted to let you know I moved your post from Introduce Yourself to Your Stage (for links and promotions), as it fits much better there. Let me know if you have any questions, and all the best to you!

Sam Szylwin

Thanks Karen, I'll get the hang of it! It is an introduction as well ;0)

Karen "Kay" Ross

A good way to tell is if it reads like a business card or, in other words, can you post it and never come back and it still conveys your message. If you don't need to come back to continue what you've started, then it's promotional. Also, if you are talking only about your business or your project, probably promotional. Asking a question to start a conversation is a great way to end an introductory post if you'd like to do another post!

Sam Szylwin

Thank you for the pointer! I guess I'm so involved with what I do it's an extension of who I am. Maybe I need a vacation?

Karen "Kay" Ross

Don't we all! LOL

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