Introduce Yourself : Been around here for a while, reintroducing myself by Pauline Baird Jones

Pauline Baird Jones

Been around here for a while, reintroducing myself

Hi, everyone, I've been a member of Stage32 for quite a while, but hadn't worked on a script for a long time. Have been focusing on writing novels (in fact just published #40 this summer), but I signed up for a goals bootcamp and while trying to figure out my goals, I realized one I've been back burnering for a long time was to adapt more of my novels for film. So that's one of my goals for the bootcamp, is to adapt one of my novels. I'd forgotten how much I love the form. So thank you Stage32 for keeping me connected to script writing. :-)

And happy, happy weekend to everyone at Stage32!

Taylor C. Baker

Wow 40 novels?! That is an epic win Pauline Baird Jones! Thank you for sharing! I would definitely recommend you check out the authoring lounge! We have a ton of authors in there working on novel >> screenplay adaptations

Jason Mirch

Congratulations on #40 Pauline Baird Jones! That is fantastic. I am the Director of Script Services at Stage 32. I would be happy to offer any help or thoughts on how to get your projects "out there" - feel free to email at any point - - I look forward to hearing from you!

Pauline Baird Jones

Thank you so much, Taylor! Will for sure check it out and thank you Jason! I will definitely be in touch! I am very much enjoying getting back in touch with the form (scriptwriting). I need to dig out my old scripts too and give them a refresh.

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