Introduce Yourself : Hey everyone! by Deepi Ahluwalia

Deepi Ahluwalia

Hey everyone!

My name is Deepi (based in Toronto) and I’m new to Stage 32. I’m a commercial director/photographer and co-author of A Woman’s Place (Little, Brown and Company). I love storytelling and am finally taking the leap into the film world. I’ve written my first short which I’m directing/producing this fall and I’ve also started writing my first feature. I want to delve deeper into stories that reflect the experiences of women, people of colour and immigrants, and hope to connect with the rich pool of talent found here at Stage 32!

Joanna Karselis

Hey Deepi! There's a great network of Toronto-based people on here, hope you can connect with them. Congrats on getting into your first steps with film! Totally into supporting underrepresented stories and creatives over here too. Would love to hear about the creatives that inspire you.

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome to the community, Deepi! Congratulations on breaking ground on the new feature! Fantastic to have you and your energy in the mix.

Deepi Ahluwalia

Thanks for the warm welcome, Joanna and RB! :)

David Zannoni

Welcome Deepi!

Allen Lynch

Welcome Deepi!

Richard "RB" Botto

That's how we like to do things around here, Deepi! Community first, always.

Deepi Ahluwalia

Hi David and Allen! Nice to meet you both. :)

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