Introduce Yourself : Greetings by Leontist Fizer

Leontist Fizer


Hello old friends and new ones!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Good to see you again, Leontist Fizer! What's good?

Chaun Lee

Leontist Fizer greetings to you too! What're you working on?

Leontist Fizer

Hi Chaun! Thanks for reaching out! A dark musical… I woke up this morning asking myself, what was I thinking? But I am going to finish this thing. I’m determined. Lol

What about you?

Leontist Fizer

Hi Kay! Nothing much. I ordered a pizza and working on a outline. What’s good with you?!

Chaun Lee

A dark musical? Hmmm...sounds interesting! Like "Little Shop Of Horrors" or "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"?? Those are the only two I could think of offhand, but I love them both. I'm working on polishing a comedy pilot and family feature.

Peter Romeo

Hello Leontist!

Leontist Fizer

Not quite Chaun… But as soon as I’m done with the outline I will fill you in. Nice, I love comedy and family. I watched “Diary of a Wimpy kid” last night. Do you ever get so locked in on one project that you forget to pitch the others? That’s what I’ve been doing with this one. I’m obsessed with finishing it.

Leontist Fizer

Peter, what’s up Homie??? What’s shaking in Oregon? Whatcha got going on in the northwest?

Chaun Lee

Leontist Fizer While I've never forgotten to pitch a project, I often get so engrossed in rewrites on or polishing a single script that I can't dedicate time to others I'd planned to give my attention. Such is the life of a creative though, right? Keep me posted on your dark musical :)

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