Introduce Yourself : Horror Screenwriter by Kevin Forest Frasure

Horror Screenwriter

My name is Kevin. I write horror scripts. I have one script that I am shopping around for production.

It is a script I write because of love for the story. I didn’t think about budget at all because I was aiming for movie studios.

I am currently working on a screenplay that I did think about budget. I am in the early stages of writing it and it is a primarily one location slasher script that I would like to produce myself.

I have a few other scripts I’m working on. How about you?

Clayton Dudzic

ScreenCraft wrote an article, What Screenwriters Are Up Against in Every Genre. The actors and the special effects are what drives the cost of the film. Writing the good story while at the same time keeping the budget low is what any studio wish for.

Kevin Forest Frasure

Thanks Clayton. I have written low budget scripts before but with this one, I didn’t want to think in terms of budget. I just wanted to write a story I was passionate about and not think about selling it. The current script I am working for is low budget and I’m thinking of it in those terms, one location, simple special FX etc…. It is low budget but not no budget. By low budget I mean written for a budget of 150,000 or more. Thanks, for commenting.

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