Introduce Yourself : Hello everyone! by Luis Andres Saldias

Luis Andres Saldias

Hello everyone!

I would like to introduce myself again! I am a screenwriter from Bolivia, I went to college in the United States where I got my Bachelor's degree in Film and I am planning to get my Masters in Screenwriter in Spain during the winter.

I am currently working on my second pilot about a dystopian world that will cover immigration issues . I am also translating my first feature from Spanish to English. My dream job is to work in a writer's room for a TV show and eventually work on my own features!

I recently became the first Bolivian Ambassador for Stage 32 and I am excited to connect with more creative people from around the world!

Peter Romeo

Hey Luis! Nice to meet you! I believe i've seen you around the Stage 32 social channels on Instagram! Happy to connect!

Daniel Stuelpnagel

Luis Andres Saldias this is very exciting! Congratulations! I've been wondering about the state of the filmmaking industry in Spain? I speak Spanish and was hoping to travel there again someday.

Heidi Wolff

Congratulations Luis!

Luis Andres Saldias

Hi Daniel, the film industry has grown a lot in Spain the past few years and I am excited to explore the opportunities over there. Hopefully one day we get to collaborate.

Donnalyn Vojta

Great to have you here, Luis! Sounds like you have a clear focus on what you want to write. That's great! Sometimes people want to write, but never do because they struggle with what to write about. You're on your way!!

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