Screenwriting : Script request by Judith Grace Bassat

Judith Grace Bassat

Script request

Just wanting to know how it works on Stage 32. When an executive requests a script from a pitch, are we to expect some kind of answer, pass or go? If they are expected to give a response, is there a usual time frame?

Bill Albert

I've had a few requests but never got anything back from them. After a few months I just wrote it off. I agree it would be nice if they just sent a definite "No, thanks."

Eoin O'Sullivan

There are 3 stages once a script is requested:

Submit Your Script

Review Process

Review Delivered

The Script Feedback section is completed by the executive at Review Delivered.

There is a piece of information under the status bar which states "Your response has been received and will be reviewed within the next few months. We will keep you posted via email".

Judith Grace Bassat

Thank you, that's helpful!

Jason Mirch

Hey Judith Grace Bassat! Congratulations on your script request! That is great news! The executives who request the projects are genuinely interested in reading your material - which is why they request it.

One of the things that we have to keep in mind is that the executives who work with us are also running their own development slates and receiving other scripts from agencies, managements companies, etc. so we give the executive a few months to revert with an answer. If you reach a point of 3 months from the time of the request, email Angela at and ask her to Kindly follow up with that executive. I hope that helps!

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