Financing / Crowdfunding : Our Film Fundraising strategy for our movie THE WAITING ROOM.... by Aaron Allen

Aaron Allen

Our Film Fundraising strategy for our movie THE WAITING ROOM....


-Product Placement,

-Investors if needed.

-P&A funding, offered.

-Post Production Finishing funds, Kappa Studios Post Production Office/Christian Film Finishing Fund nonprofit.

This is our current strategy for raising funds, We are still currently on Crowdfunding.

David Santo

Looks great!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Awesome, I love the breakdown! Ooo... I've never heard of before, but I'll check it out now. Thanks for sharing!

I'm curious, at what stage of funding do you move forward with the project? I ask because you can secure finishing funds in post-production. Do you look for a number or a checklist of opportunities completed and just move forward with whatever you have?

Colette "ByFilms" Byfield

Your campaign on Fundrzr looks very good- almost to your goal! I love that the various support levels are clearly defined AND that you referenced the success of your last campaign. Indie Filmmakers, please take note!

Casey Bowker

I've never used Fundrzr before as a platform for crowdfunding, can you tell us a bit more about your experience with it?

Jane Sanger

So generous to share your strategy and contacts. Very interested in product placement,

Aaron Allen

Casey Bowker I had some good and bad experiences, it's the only platform that allows PayPal but I had to fix it this campaign cause they were taking a fee and Paypal was taking a fee, they have a way the contributor/donor can pay the fee and you get the full contribution still besides PayPal's fee. But it works out. I want to get back to Indiegogo or something, but I will not do Kickstarter at all.

Aaron Allen

Jane Sanger If you go through the website, it helps you create a pitch deck for companies/products to offer you product placement, you can even suggest some you would like to have.

Casey Bowker

Aaron Allen just curious, what's your reasoning for not wanting to use Kickstarter?

Jane Sanger

Aaron thanks again. It’s a method I have tried in a limited way but would love to learn more.

Aaron Allen

Casey Bowker The whole thing with if you don't reach the goal, what you did raise gets refunded. Also I have paypal and none of them others besides fundrazr will use paypal anymore.

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