Animation : How much money will it take to make a cartoon by Steven Gibson

Steven Gibson

How much money will it take to make a cartoon

This question has been on my mind since I start to think about it. And I was wondering. What is the price to create an animated movie or Tv series

Martin Reese

I've been asking the same question and there are a lot of factors For example how long is it? What style of animation are you using? Is it a movie or a TV series? How much of the work can you do yourself. Here is a site that can give you rough idea.

Toby Cochran

Hi Steven, do you know what type of film you'd like to make? 2D? 3D? Stylized 3D? It all varies, for clients typically ask for Pixar level, what they don't know and what we educate them on is the cost for 1 min of Pixar quality level is between 1.5 million - 2 million per minute.

Given Pixar's films cost from $130 - $180 million. Illumination and other studios are creating beautiful work for much less but their budgets are around 100 million if not a little less. This excludes any marketing by the way. I wouldn't focus on the cost until the story is there, the art/design can complement the story and you can go from there!

Kumar Sambhav

Steven Gibson i can atleast give you idea of 3d production part at my Animation studio, this quality can cost you $4mn for 90mins (from Story boarding to final Edit)

Kumar Sambhav

and this quality can cost upto $8mn

Kumar Sambhav

and this one upto $900k

Kumar Sambhav

with technology offering so much every thing is possible

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