Introduce Yourself : Music, acting, documentaries, events by Sbusiso Mazibuko

Sbusiso Mazibuko

Music, acting, documentaries, events

Hello guys I'm also new here a record company owner from South Africa actually we deal with a lot of things but the main focus is music and acting than we be growing from that creat a larger platforms which will also be able to help more other in the industry it good to be part of stage 32 I'm also excited to be part of this movement

Bryan Little

It's good to have you Sbusiso I love Stage 32 really take advantage of the platform videos, blogs, Instagram page and YouTube!

Sbusiso Mazibuko

Thank you you Bryan for the warm welcome I intend on doing so thank you.

Yusuf Hammed Oluwasegun

I will like to work with your record label I'm an artist. Performing artist and I base in Nigeria this is my number +2348126311312

Sbusiso Mazibuko

That great let link up see what we can cook together create some good music we all about creating something new and sharing it with the world.

Yusuf Hammed Oluwasegun

Yes how can we get started

Sbusiso Mazibuko

Are you on social media platforms WhatsApp where we can chat more and simpler and organise how we gonna go about doing this?

Yusuf Hammed Oluwasegun

Yes this is my WhatsApp number +2348126311312

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