Filmmaking / Directing : Zoom by Katie Nicholas


Has anyone filmed over Zoom? If so I'd love to hear your experiences as I'm considering doing the same

Keanu Nunes

Hi, Katie, I haven't filmed over Zoom, however, I have been on the receiving end for auditions. Definitely a different experience.

Cushan Jon

I recommend this zoom-filmed movie Host Trailer ( Watch Host (

Katie Nicholas

Thank you I'll check this out!

Karen "Kay" Ross

I interviewed a producer who did "The Insiders" with Bandwagon Media (, which was all "Zoom" footage. I put "Zoom" in quotes, because they also had talent mount phones so there could be coverage for a single take with essentially the same angle, BUT recording on the phone gave them the ability to record better sound without a giant microphone near their face. Here is the interview, if you'd like to listen:

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