Introduce Yourself : Creative Director by Edouard Charles

Edouard Charles

Creative Director

As a kid in the Bahamas film was my way out of the island. I was the kid that had the responsibility to go to the video store and pick the films for my family and I loved it and that's where my love for film and filmmaking began. I would love to be a part of the industry have so many different ideas to bring to the screen and love working with others. Just want to tell stories from a different point of view. Thank you and need help.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Great to meet you, Edouard Charles! How cool that your family let you chose their entertainment - you must have a good eye for films, then! You say you'd like to be a part of the industry - what is it you do now? LOTS of people come into the industry from previous careers, which can be an advantage. I myself was a massage therapist for 14 years. It's what paid my way through film school.

Edouard Charles

I have worked in the Telecommunication industry for 13 years in different roles including sales leader, supervisor, trainer, and coach. I partner well with internal and external Business partners and have an acute understanding of business needs coupled with a very high knowledge of emotional intelligence. I utilize my relationship-building skills to not only motivate individuals but also, to increase sales for organizations.

Alfred D. Griffin Clark

Great to meet u bra! get some people together, get a pretty good camera and someone that can do lighting. Go "HAM!", Shoot bra!

Edouard Charles

Great To meet you Alfred D. Griffin Clark and thank you for the information.

Edouard Charles

Thank you Karen "Kay" Ross for your insight!

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