Introduce Yourself : Jay Beacham by Jay Beacham

Jay Beacham

Jay Beacham

From my ancestry of everything from China to Algonquin Indian peoples,

I've never considered myself a member of a tribe.

Though common interests maybe the same, we each are individuals.

Like the song says: "I'd like to be a great big movie star."

But I'll be content to be just me.

Check out my bio please.


Karen "Kay" Ross

Good to see you again, Jay Beacham! I don't know if you were meaning to be poetic, but it certainly read as poetic, and I dig it. What are you up to?

Jay Beacham

Well, sort of.

I just finished the St. George Live tour season last Monday. I portray pioneer Brigham Young at his winter home in St. George, Utah.

Am working at my repair business, writing stories and essays.

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