Introduce Yourself : Game Narrative Writer, Novelist, Short Story Writer, former Theater Stage Manager and Film Student.... by Neale Sourna

Neale Sourna

Game Narrative Writer, Novelist, Short Story Writer, former Theater Stage Manager and Film Student....

Working finishing and publishing a flirty and dangerous Charles II / Restoration novel (part 1) following a Black / African Brit noble born commoner amongst kings, queens, warriors, and pirates--BECCA DUMAURIER see: a film and game friendly story. Excerpts (downloadable_epub / kindle) and character descriptions avail., if you're curious.

Also since there are so few places for Black Historical Fiction, I've set up a marketing site and Facebook group of same for historicals with leads and heroes who are black, African, "mixed, people of color including romance, erotica and more....

Neale Sourna's novel Becca DuMaurier
Neale Sourna's novel Becca DuMaurier
It's 1688 AD, in the midst of the Glorious Revolution, a British civil war between Protestants and Catholics, while the English king is absent from his throne, a huge invading force of sails and swords fills the Channel.
Karen "Kay" Ross

Great to meet you, Neale Sourna! Oh, cool - I love that your film is game-friendly! There are a few people in the Transmedia Lounge that write for gaming as well. Definitely check it out, I think you'll enjoy meeting like-minded creatives there:

I was looking over your profile, but you don't have much there. Maybe you could use some of this post to help build up your bio!

Also, I love that you created a FB Group to be able to connect with more PoC - what a great idea!

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