Introduce Yourself : Greetings from Kat Rollinson, Screenwriter by Kat Rollinson

Kat Rollinson

Greetings from Kat Rollinson, Screenwriter

Hi folks, I'm Kat Rollinson.

I started writing in January and joined Stage 32 in April. Writing is my happy place. It's the stuff around it that's hard - networking, dusting yourself off when you get constructive feedback and then tweaking the script, trying to figure out the industry as a "newbie". Stage 32 is helping me with these points, and I am already collaborating on a script too.

Whilst I don't pretend to be an expert (newbies generally aren't!) I've got energy, determination, a beautifully dysfunctional set of characters with whom I enjoy sharing headspace - and now, a mutually supportive community to share the highs and lows with.

To me, writers are like entrepreneurs - or maybe mad inventors - we spend countless hours creating and refining a unique product, living with hope and conviction that someone else (many other people, in fact) will one day share that vision, help make it happen and enjoy the end product.

To those who've helped me already - thank you. To those whom I may help - you're welcome. To those new to Stage 32 or those whom I have yet to meet, welcome, and look me up!

Melissa Spearman

Couldn't have said it better myself Kat! I know what you mean when it comes to promoting yourself and getting feedback on your writing, and I enjoy sharing my headspace with my characters too.

Angela Cristantello

We could not be happier to have you as a member of the Stage 32 community, Kat & I cannot tell you how much it makes my heart burst to hear that it's been so helpful to you already. Really and truly.

Anything that you need, whether it be advice or direction of any kind (and CERtainly in terms of networking, which can be a terrifying thing to wrap your brain around), please don't hesitate to reach out to myself at or Jason Mirch at We're here to help :)

Kat Rollinson

Melissa Spearman - Thanks - Glad somebody agrees with my ramblings and identifies with these sentiments :)

Kat Rollinson

Angela Cristantello Happy to be a happy customer and thank you for the contacts - when I am feeling lost I may look you guys up :)

Martin Reese

Love you saying writers are entrepreneurs Kat Rollinson . Glad to meet you. This is a great platform.

Kat Rollinson

Thanks, glad you liked the analogy, Martin Reese. Happy to meet another fellow entrepreneur!

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