South Africa Private Group : LA Roll Call by Emily J

Emily J

LA Roll Call

Hey! Curious who all is in LA so we can plan a meet-up sometime! lmk

Melissa Birks

I'm in LA! Would love a Screenwriting Safari Reunion!

Mage Lanz

Me, Lovie, Pam and Cathy are also in LA.

Amanda Toney

LA peeps - if you're around this Friday October 1 we have our Stage 32 Short Film Program event if you want to meet some other fellow Stage 32ers at Hollyshorts:

Emily J

LA people! Christina is going to be in town Halloween weekend. Any chance we can plan a meet-up during the brunch/afternoon/evening Oct. 30? I'm brainstorming places with outdoor space or big tables like el Tejano, Roadside Experience, and Pitfire in NoHo, or DeSano's in Hollywood (Sycamore Tavern, fka Happy Endings is still closed right? or no?) Let me know if there's a day/time that weekend that works best for you and where you're at in town so we can pick someplace central! I'm in Hollywood but will go anywhere. And anyone who wants to go out that night and get Christina drunk with me is more than welcome!

Amanda Toney

Keep me posted on what you guys come up with Emily!

Mage Lanz

As of right now I have no plans for Halloween weekend. I'd prefer Hollywood over NoHo because I can't drive at night and Lyfts up to the valley are expensive. I believe Pam is also in Hollywood. As for venues, I don't really get out as often as I'd like so I don't really have an opinion, or too much to add. The 3rd St. Farmer's Market has two bars with outdoor seating but I think they're still closing at 8pm these days. Mixology's right there too, has some more private outdoor seating (on the 2nd level) and might be open later because it's at the edge of the Farmer's Market. I also know of the LP Rooftop on Melrose, but I haven't actually been to the rooftop part, I've only ever been at one of the lower levels.

Melissa Birks

Would love to join this meet-up, thanks Emily! Love Mage's suggestion of the 3rd St. Farmer's Market (as I can walk there :)). Look forward to hearing more.

Emily J

I love the idea of the Farmer's Market. Awesome idea, Mage! Let's set there and plan to meet at the plaza (that main tower/sign) before heading in. I'll send everyone a message on Facebook Messenger (add me if we're not already friends) and we can set a time closer to the day. Can't wait to see you all!

Melissa Birks

Excellent! Thanks for planning, Emily!

Mage Lanz

Yelp is now saying Mixology at the Farmers Market has closed. The general Farmers Market hours on Saturday go until 9pm, so if you wanted to stay out later for drinks, maybe we could find another location. The two "bars" there are a bit divey. But the Farmer's Market is still a good place for outdoor dining, and plenty of dining options to choose from, though it's sometimes difficult to get a table to seat 6 or however many we have. I'm attaching a map of the Farmer's Market and clock tower for those who are unfamiliar.

Emily J

Mage Lanz What about if instead of the market we did nearby at the Grove and made a res at Cheesecake Factory? I know that's not as fun since there's one of those everywhere, but this way we're guaranteed a spot and they have a 20 page menu of options. And as for drinking, I was thinking whoever wants to go out after can (I can drive and I know Christina is renting a car, or we can Uber somewhere like LaCienega, WeHo, or Cahuenga) but don't feel like they have to

Mage Lanz

Sure, I'm down for whatever, that one doesn't have outdoor dining though just FYI.

Melissa Birks

Just confirming... we're on for Cheesecake Factory at 3 pm on Saturday the 30th?

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