Screenwriting : Guidance is needed by Pam Odonnell

Pam Odonnell

Guidance is needed

It was suggested by Jason Mirch to come here to see if any one can help, I am in no way shape or form a writer, author anything of that nature but I have a true life story that I described to Jason in an email and he thought it might be of interest as a story to be told but me not being a writer/author etc I would need help in that department. If anyone is looking to help a lay person so to speak in sharing our families story please advise

Craig D Griffiths

No matter how bad a writer you are, start by writing it down. Even if it is just a list of dot points. It will help when talking to a writer. It will give the conversation scope.

DD Myles

Right it down like a memoir OR write as the wise Mr. Griffiths suggested, in bullet points. Once you put that pen to paper or keypad onto the screen, a light bulb will go off and you won't be able to stop. Trust me. Here's another way, use your cellphone audio, sit in a nice relaxed atmosphere and start vocally recording each event in your life, then later transcribe it.

Dan MaxXx

Pay someone to write your life story.

David Santo

Dan is correct :) good luck!

DD Myles

I agree with you Dan to a point, BUT when I saw Pam is a STUDENT, I immediately took finances into account. As you know, money is scarce for some. So there are alternate ways to write a life story. Let's not forget, she still has to discipline herself to SIT and RECOUNT her story to a paid writer. So my suggestion will help her give a clean and clear vision for someone to write. An oral notebook sort of way.

Pam Odonnell

Hi everyone thank you for your comments and suggestions. Please note that I only put student because there was no other option. I’m none of the above. I’m a 51 year old widow and cancer survivor that from what I’m told has a story that should be shared with everyone but again I’m not a writer so I’m guessing paying someone to write the story is the only option. I had cancer I survived by fighting for my husband and 2 little girls only for both my husband and 5 year old to be killed in a car crash. Everyone reads the headlines when the crash and trial happen but no one follows up with picking up the pieces. Honestly I’ve been told by many that even lifetime channel can’t make up the stuff that has happened since the crash. So I’m looking to see if anyone is interested in hearing a tidbit about what’s gone on and be the writer.

DD Myles

Pam, you are an inspiration and a champion in this thing we call life. My condolences for your losses as well. But God left you here for a purpose I believe. And that purpose is YOUR STORY. To touch. To change. To inspire others to stay strong no matter how dire the circumstances. Btw, I believe your story would fly off the pages as a 1st person narrative, told through your voice, your feelings at the precise time of these events (how Steven Spielberg told, "Shindler's list" through Shindler's eyes.)

Bill Costantini

Hi Pam,

First....I'm very sorry to read what has happened to you and your family, and hope you will cope and endure the best that you can.

Some advice, and I hope my thoughts don't negatively affect you.

A few of the hurdles that you have to overcome in order to get a competent writer to agree to terms that work for both of you; to get your story completed in a compelling and marketable way; and to help get it into the hands of someone who can actually make a film and market it, are these:

The popular/prevailing thinking amongst some is that the public wants (for the most part) entertaining stories that are more escapist, fun, funny, romantic, thrilling, and/or scary, and less true-life tragic. This is mostly due to the tragedies we have endured as a result of the pandemic. This is not to say that true-life tragedies (and family dramas) are totally being shunned, but it is the reality - here on Stage32 and elsewhere. So I think it's safe to say that you have to be aware of that in your journey.

You also have to be aware of the business end that I mentioned above. Agreeing on something that involves your life rights and/or story can be a slippery slope, and the last thing you would want to have happen is that you end up giving away something (your "story"), and, even worse...that you give it away and that it then becomes altered in ways that may horrify you. So be very careful. Don't give away your story rights in lieu of pay to a writer, and do have something in your contract that spells out a time frame for completion; some type of script approval; and some type of remedy if the script, outline, and/or drafts aren't completed by certain dates as agreed upon between you and writer, or you and production company. And if you are paying someone, then make sure that you do your own due diligence on that writer, and make sure the writer that you choose is the best candidate to write your story.

You also have to be aware that there are many stories in competition with your story. I write that in a way that is not meant to minimize your tragedies, but in a way that makes you realize the truth that there are many sad/tragic stories out "there". It would be helpful if you can at least summarize in steps (maybe in a numerical way, or a chronological way) what has happened. It would be even more helpful if there is a journal or maybe an article written about it. Many news stories have and will always continue to inspire writers and producers.

My initial response to your query is this: I would try to find someone local and accomplished. There is a writers group in New Jersey that might be a good first step. If you haven't already done so, I would contact the president of Women Who Write, Inc., which actually began back in the day as "Mothers Who Write". I would include a concise few paragraphs of what has happened, along with a request for help. I would imagine that might help you.

There are many such writers' groups across the country (national and local, and Internet-based), and that one is very well-regarded and right in your backyard. And you might find the right writer and the right team right here, as others have (reputable and accomplished legal firms included). Best wishes to you, and here is a link to the Women Who Write website:

P.S. Someone mentioned Schindler's List. That took decades to get made after the book was first published, and it was only finally greenlit with the condition that Steven Spielberg make Jurassic Park first. It was and could still be a long journey for both well-regarded professionals and for unknowns, but at least today there are many more outlets, all things considered, and I wish you the best in what you are trying to accomplish.

Pam Odonnell

Thank you DD and Bill I will certainly get in touch with that group you recommended woman who write! I appreciate all the feedback. Along with sharing our story it’s the fact that it happens 40,000 times a year in the United States and as an advocate having a non profit and several articles written about our tragedy, people typically only see the headlines and the outcome of the legal stuff they never hear of the personal difficulties of the family left behind. So it’s more about not just my family but others as well who may be going thru the same struggles. I so appreciate all of your advice, I’m new to this so I’m learning and so far you have all been so helpful. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Bill Costantini

Hi Pam,

You're welcome. It's so important for you to hook up with a highly-skilled and a highly-qualified writer for this type of endeavor. Ideally the writer would also have the ability to get the completed script to the right types of interested financiers/prodco's. And you have to protect your interests - and know what that entails - before you even start talking to writers, and probably with the help of a qualified attorney. And you might even find the right writer and the right team right here. There's a lot at stake here for you, and I wish you the best.

Kiril Maksimoski

Writer of "187" was merely a substitute teacher when he wrote the script, no experience at all, just a bitter story to got Samuel Jackson abroad...

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