Anything Goes : New Occupation Tie-in Graphic Novel by Shaun Keenan

Shaun Keenan

New Occupation Tie-in Graphic Novel

I'm super excited to announce that COMICS2MOVIES has signed a deal with writer and director Luke Sparke of the Australian Occupation Film Franchise to produce a tie-in graphic novel within the Occupation Universe.

The graphic novel will be written by Luke Sparke and while no artist is attached to the project yet Luke stated "I'm extremely excited to be showing people more of the Occupation Universe". Set across several timelines within the series, this promises to be jammed packed with high octane action and a range of fun and exciting characters just like the movies.

Shaun Keenan from COMICS2MOVIES was extremely excited to secure this project stating "This will be one of the biggest projects my business COMICS2MOVIES has taken on to date. We look forward to working with Luke and producing an amazing addition to the Occupation Universe."

You can checkout the announcment and full interview here -

#interview #graphicnovel #occupationrainfall #films #lukesparke #comics2movies #comicbooks #announcement

Maurice Vaughan


Pol Koutsakis


Kristin Holloway

Congratulations! This is amazing!

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