Distribution : The Power of Stage 32 by Owen Ratliff

Owen Ratliff

The Power of Stage 32

Yesterday morning Stage 32 put out my blog 5 Things Learned while Developing my Transmedia Film Project. That afternoon an agent emails me and stated that he read the blog and wanted to see my proof-of-concept film and pitch deck. He emailed me back today and asked me what I needed. I told him that my project has a pre-approval to get an SBA film line of credit for 5 million. I told him I need a minimum guarantee for 5 million from a sales agent or distributor and help me attach a named producer, actor, or director. They are going to help me package my film project. I will let you guys know the progress.

Black Salt Proof of Concept Title Sequence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ya80xM35Yc

Ravi Edara

wonderfull .. saw the title track, welldone mate ... i am from UK ...

Karen "Kay" Ross

Well that's frickin' AMAZING! Congratulations! Yes, definitely keep us posted! Did you already have an estimated budget for it when the offer came in?

Joanna Karselis

That's amazing Owen, congratulations!

Owen Ratliff

Yes I had an estimated budget Karen and I was packaging the project.

Owen Ratliff

Thanks Joanna!

David Zannoni

Congratulations Owen!

Owen Ratliff

Thank you David!

Jason Mirch

This is PHENOMENAL Owen Ratliff! Way to bring it! I love that when you were asked what you needed you had a great answer that was very specific. Can't wait for you to post the update blog!

Owen Ratliff

Jason I will let you know, we are working on attaching a name producer first. Just taking it my piece at a time. Then get a name writer to do a script rewrite after me and my partner finish are rewrites.

Owen Ratliff

Jason the distribution company emailed me today and is interest giving me a minimum guarantee for my film. I have a conference call with them tomorrow.

John McCartney

Great Owen hope we meet at the top. Prayers and much success.

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