Your Stage : The Hurting feature film project - based on a true story- a dark drama character piece seeking acquisition by Van Richter

Van Richter

The Hurting feature film project - based on a true story- a dark drama character piece seeking acquisition

THE HURTING (Independent film )

based on a true story (script and spec trailer available)

A great dark drama character piece" John Sacchi- Lionsgate

A Powerful Story" Jessica Meier- Malpaso Producons

"A Story that needs to be told" Mary John Frank- Paramount Vantage

In the tradition of Spotlight, A Million Little Pieces, Running with Scissors and

even the film Sleepers, we have the horrific but true Chicago story

revealing an ugly secret of the Chicago elite - their ability to rid

themselves of their children by dumping them into mental institutions,

with only a big checkbook to support the idea that their children are

mentally unstable. One such child, Paul Abramson, lived to tell the


Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey Van, this is Karen from the Stage 32 team. I just wanted to let you know I moved your post from Introduce Yourself to Your Stage (for links and promotions), as it fits much better there. But feel free to do another post in the Introduce Yourself Lounge discussing who you'd like to connect with, what you're working on or what you'd like to work on. Think of it like a virtual handshake! Let me know if you have any questions, and all the best to you!

Van Richter

ok we are looking for a film studio or production comapny to acquire the story / script

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